Information on Essential Businesses

April 17, 2020
As of April 17, 2020, version 3.0 of the CISA’s Guidance specifically includes printers and packagers as essential. If your company is a vendor, supplier or provides other support to an essential business that is required for the essential business’s operation, then your business is exempt. Additionally, if your company is engaged in, “mail, post, shipping, logistics, delivery and pick-up services” you also are exempt from the executive orders.
March 24, 2020
Over the past few days the Association have been working with the governors’ offices in Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin to determine the status of printers during “Stay in Shelter” (IL), “Stay at Home“ (IN), and “Safer at Home” (WI) Executive Orders. It should be noted that the language used in all three executive orders mirrors one another.
Please note that printers are not specifically listed as an “essential business” in the executive orders. However, if your company is a vendor, supplier or provides other support to an essential business that is required for the essential business’s operation, then your business is exempt. Additionally, if your company is engaged in, “mail, post, shipping, logistics, delivery and pick-up services” you are also exempt from the executive orders. To view a list of what is essential, please click here.
The printing industry continues to be a major supply chain vendor to Critical Infrastructure Industries outlined by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and are essential for the continued function of the economy in this time of crisis. We realize each company will manage these orders in their own way and we encourage each to practice safe guidelines that have been spelled out by the United States Center for Disease Control.
As we move forward, the Association will continue providing the industry with information on proposed legislation and education on how to navigate during this extremely difficult event. As always, please contact us directly at (262) 522-2210 if you have any questions or need assistance in any way.
Joseph Lyman
Great Lakes Graphics Association
Phone- 262-522-2212