•  March 16, 2016
     6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Dia dhuit! Join the Great Lakes Graphics Association MIXer when we celebrate an early St. Patrick’s Day and talk about how Goin’ Green has helped our clients and industry?!?!

  • * Green Trivia with host Peter Fioretti, YMA Chair
  • * Discussion on sustainability from a leader in the industry
  • * Corned Beef and perhaps a glass of green beer?
  • * Network, meet new friends, build relationships


cc-RealTime Sports Date:
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
6:00 p.m. Registration and networking
6:30 p.m. Food, trivia, sustainability discussion
GLGA members and not-yet members: $30 per person. Includes food, wine and beer.
RealTime Sports
1120 W. Devon Avenue
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007


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