GLGA Member Question – Safety Glasses in the Pressroom

The Great Lakes Graphics Association’s most widely used and insanely popular service is its Member Questions service. Completely confidential, members can ask and answer questions to better understand complex issues, benchmark their business and implement best practices.

Do you require staff use of safety glasses and/or protective goggles in your pressrooms?

We require safety glasses and vests in all production areas at all times except when color is being checked in the viewing areas (then glasses can be temporarily removed).

Currently the only time we require employees to wear protective eye wear is when they are changing the battery on the forklifts.

We require safety glasses in all areas of the warehouse.

We require safety glasses whenever employees are handling any chemicals.

We recently implemented a safety eyewear requirement for our pressroom. It takes a little while to get used to them, but we have had a very high compliance rate. People wear the eye protection at all times, in all departments on the manufacturing floor.

GLGA members may download the complete compilation of answers from the Members Only area of this website.