Intro to Total Sales Transformation
February 22, 2021
9:00 am - 9:15 am
[video_lightbox_vimeo5 video_id=”https://vimeo.com/507308449&rel=0″ width=640 height=480 anchor=”https://glga.info/wp-content/uploads/1/2021/02/KellyVideo.png” description=”TOTAL SALES”]
This 10-Day program is designed to include a daily 10-20 minute phone call, content and activities for the participants to do.
To participate, you MUST be willing to do the work or else, please don’t register!
To be considered for the program, please be prepared to answer the following questions, during the registration process:
- Are you willing and able to invest between 10-20 minutes every weekday for 10 days to help transform your sales practice?
- Are you willing and able to be an active participant, share your camera, and participate in the short daily zoom calls?
- Are you willing and able to invest $200 (GLGA Members)? This includes one month in Bill Farquharson’s sales vault and one personal 30 minute call with me.
This event is only available to the first 10 people who register!
About the Presenter:
Kelly Mallozzi
As a sales and marketing coach and consultant at Successin Print, and Girl #2 at #GirlsWhoPrint, Kelly Mallozzi advocates for graphic arts companies to keep fighting to keep print relevant. She may be irreverent, but what she lacks in convention, she makes up for in smart-assery.
Kelly is a regular co-host on the #GirlsWhoPrint Podcast along with Deborah Corn. She is also a mentor to several future sales stars and she connects to them through the Women’s Print Mentoring Network. Check out her book, co-authored by Bill Farquharson: Who’s Making Money at Digital/Inkjet Printing…and How. Kelly also occasionally guest blogs at Printing Impressions.
Connect with Kelly: Twitter @SuccessInPrint and on LinkedIn where she regularly posts and is even often interesting.
Every business day between February 22 and March 5, 2021
10:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Eastern
9:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Central
$200 for GLGA Members
$400 for Not-Yet Members
A confirmation email with the connection information and calendar invite will be sent to you prior to the series begins.
Registration is now closed.