If You Receive an Invoice from PRINTING United Alliance:
May 25, 2021 – It has been brought to our attention that PRINTING United Alliance has sent membership dues invoices to some Great Lakes Graphics Association members.
If you have received an invoice from PrUA, please note that it is NOT for GLGA membership, programs or services. It is actually an invoice for a separate and direct membership in the national association, which you are free to ignore or accept.
As we explained in the March/April issue of Graphics Journal magazine and on various website and social media posts, earlier this year the PrUA Board of Directors decided to cancel all regional affiliation contracts. As of April 30, 2021, GLGA members no longer receive PrUA services and benefits.
Your membership in the Great Lakes Graphics Association continues uninterrupted and unaffected by the separation from PrUA.
Most members will not notice any difference in the benefits they use. For almost a decade, GLGA has used a Return on Investment module in our membership database to measure how members benefit from both national and local membership. Over the years. ROI from participating in national programs has decreased dramatically. In fact, in 2020 no PrUA program made the list of GLGA members’ Top 11 most used services and benefits.
Additionally, a cooperative of sister regional Printing Industry Affiliates has been developing a set of products and services for Affiliate members that will replace those that were delivered by PrUA and resurrect those that were cancelled by National in the past few years. The Wage and Benefit Survey and the FSC & SFI certification through RACG are two examples of programs offered through the regional Affiliates cooperative and not by PrUA.
GLGA President Joe Lyman was interviewed by WhatTheyThink.com about the separation from PRINTING United Alliance, the national collaboration between the regional Affiliates, and how the Affiliates are moving forward with better offerings for their memberships. Please click here to view the video.
Please contact GLGA President Joe Lyman at (252) 522-2212 or jlyman@glga.info if you have any questions.